Beneath the rising steam and misty haze, a bowl of pho awaits, a savory maze. Its noodles are soft and tender to the touch, a rich broth flavor that's much.
From beef to chicken, its proteins abound, a soup so hearty, the best can be found. The spices dance upon my tongue, a symphony of tastes, a song to be sung.
With each sip, I taste the herbs and spice, a comforting dish, nothing suffice. The crunch of bean sprouts and basil leaves, a dish so fresh, it truly deceives.
A bowl of pho, a taste of Vietnam, a humble dish, yet a king of calm. The warmth it brings, a soulful embrace, A meal so simple, yet fills me with grace.
Oh, pho, the king of soups, My heart it warms, my spirit it boosts. A magical dish holds the key, to a world so flavorful and free.